Text binding to WinRT RichTextBlock

Normally it is not possible to bind text to WinRT RichTextBlock as we do for TextBlock. RichTextBlock is devoid of Text dependency property. So the only way is to populate the Blocks property with paragraphs in code behind. But by simply declaring an attached property, we can achieve binding to text in RichTextBlock.  The XAML... Continue Reading →

Syncfusion Radial Menu Command binding

Radial Menu has the ability to add items through ItemsSource property. A collection of different types of objects can be added into the Items collection. If the ItemsSource is not null, the items in the items property are read-only. You cannot add an object or change the objects in the Items property. In this case,... Continue Reading →

Silverlight like Data Validation in WinRT

According to a recent MSDN.com forum discussion, Silverlight-like data validation is not available in WinRT. Syncfusion’s editor controls, however, do have built-in options to achieve such data validation. In Silverlight, data is validated by using the IDataErrorInfo interface. With Syncfusion WinRT editors, we use the Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.Data.IDataValidation interface for data validation… [Read more]

Splash screen for Windows 8

When users launch an app, they are immediately welcome by the splash screen. Every Windows 8 app has a splash screen, which consists of a 620x300 image and solid background color. Windows presents the splash screen on your behalf in order to welcome users while your app is activated. The activated event is received by... Continue Reading →

Handling orientation changes in Windows 8

DisplayProperties class provides various properties that are related to the physical display. For most of these properties, the class provides events to allow clients to monitor for changes in the properties. Respond to the static OrientationChanged event. Determine the orientation from the CurrentOrientation property.   partial class MainPage { public MainPage() { InitializeComponent(); DisplayProperties.OrientationChanged +=... Continue Reading →

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