Physics Game in Silverlight 4.0

Most of the times I wonder how to create a real physics movement and collision in Silverlight/WPF. A lot of Physics library has been developed to solve this problem. Farseer Physics is one of the best that I have ever seen.The Library is very easy to use and lot of samples and videos has been posted in... Continue Reading →

Airport Simulator using Silverlight 4

Airport Simulator            Airport Simulator is a simulation game, which simulates the control of Flights in an international airport. View SimulatorAirport SimulatorFlights can be controlled by using Check in and Check out buttons. Landing control contains the list of flights that are waiting for landing. Choose the terminal and check in the flight. Make sure the... Continue Reading →

Notification Control in Silverlight.

Introduction(View this article in Code Project)We used to see a Notification tool tip in Windows 7/Vista to inform something about particular context. For example, Capslock warning will be given through a balloon tip on Passwordbox, if capslock has ON. Or sometimes low battery information will be displayed on the Taskbar.The unique feature of this control... Continue Reading →

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