The Elm Architecture

Elm is a functional programming language that used to develop frontend applications. Even though you don't use Elm at work, understanding Elm architecture will help you to learn functional reactive programming (FRP) at high level. One of the most popular state management framework - Redux actually inspired from Elm architecture. Redux evolves the ideas of... Continue Reading →

Javascript – Compiled or Interpreted?

I started my career with .NET. I was a WPF developer and use Visual Studio as the primary IDE. Though I am a desktop application developer, I was aware of JavaScript programming. But I thought Javascript is a toy language and its primary purpose is to manipulate web pages.But the evolution of Javascript is tremendous.... Continue Reading →

Javascript – Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming becomes unavoidable in todays programming. In this article, I would like to talk about, how Javascript evolved to handle asynchronous programming using callbacks. What is a callback? Consider a scenario of a candidate who attends an interview in a reputed organisation. Once the interview is over the HR told that they will process... Continue Reading →

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