Text Highlight in WPF

Whenever there is a search scenario or filter situation, it would be really good if the filtered text will highlight in the given result. In Windows 8 search, this is the case and it looks good. But the bad thing is, Microsoft does not provide a direct way to highlight a specific text in textblock. But... Continue Reading →

Watermark Behavior for Textbox

It is obvious that there is no direct way to set Watermark in WPF textboxes. Some third party controls and codeplex gave extended textboxes which supports watermark. Watermark can also be achieved through overriding the default style of a textbox. A textblock/Label needs to be inserted in default control template to display the Watermark. But... Continue Reading →

Physics Game in Silverlight 4.0

Most of the times I wonder how to create a real physics movement and collision in Silverlight/WPF. A lot of Physics library has been developed to solve this problem. Farseer Physics is one of the best that I have ever seen.The Library is very easy to use and lot of samples and videos has been posted in... Continue Reading →

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