Attached Properties VS Behaviors

One of the powerful concept of WPF is Attached Properties. The primary purpose of attached property is to define a unique value to child elements for a property, which is defined in Parent element as MSDN suggests. Some of the typical examples are Grid.Row, DockPanel.Dock, etc. But it can also be used to attach additional... Continue Reading →

Attached Properties VS Behaviors

One of the powerful concept of WPF is Attached Properties. The primary purpose of attached property is to define a unique value to child elements for a property, which is defined in Parent element as MSDN suggests. Some of the typical examples are Grid.Row, DockPanel.Dock, etc.But it can also be used to attach additional information... Continue Reading →

Whats new in PRISM 5.0 – ViewModel Locator

ViewModels are usually resolved and injected through DI containers. We will set the viewmodel as DataContext of View. But still there are some frameworks like Caliburn Micro who provided a conventional way of resolving the view models. Now Microsoft added this feature into the PRISM framework. The View and ViewModels can be wired together by a naming... Continue Reading →

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