WPF FlipView

FlipView control behaves like an ItemsControl and shows items one by one on swipe gesture. Also navigation buttons will be available to navigate using mouse. Many users nowadays expecting Windows store touch apps to be developed using WPF. That doesn’t require to be published on store for distribution. Same time all the features and behaviors that can be done in WinRT can also be done in WPF. So many users prefer that.

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9 thoughts on “WPF FlipView

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  1. nice article and very great job ,

    i bind FlibView collection and i used ItemTemplateSelector but it does not work properly , could you give me some hint ?
    my code like.

    it is work if i put datatemplate normaly , but issue happened with item template selector .

    1. Hi,

      The problem is because, the control’s default template have a binding for ItemTemplate and no binding for ItemTemplateSelector. Your problem can be resolved by adding a binding to ItemTemplateSelector in control’s default control template, which can be found in generic.xaml.


  2. nice article and very great job ,

    i bind FlibView collection and i used ItemTemplateSelector but it does not work properly , could you give me some hint ?
    my code like.

    it is work if i put datatemplate normaly , but issue happened with item template selector .

  3. hi sir, its a very helpful article. I want to move those navigation links near the top of the window. In my case parent window is having height 439. As I am new to WPF can you please guide me how to create a its dll after changes.

    1. Hi Ajendra,

      You can do that by editing the default control template.


      To create a DLL, once done changes just compile the project and go to the build output (mentioned in project properties). You can find the DLL in build output directory.


  4. hi sir, its a very helpful article. I want to move those navigation links near the top of the window. In my case parent window is having height 439.

  5. Hi Wolfi,

    The control doesn’t work with any panel. It just have few ContentControls to render current, next and previous view. So irrelevant of the children count, the control will render maximum of 3 visuals. So it gives good load performance even though you populate a 1000+ items.


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