Visual Studio 2013 Update 1

Visual Studio team released the Final version of VS 2013 Update 1. It includes the latest updates, including feature additions and bug fixes. For information about the latest update, see Visual Studio Updates and the Visual Studio Update KB article. There are some minor improvement over XAML platforms also. Improved the stability of the XAML designers in Visual Studio... Continue Reading →

Order does matter for WPF Triggers

When applying style for a ListBoxItem, today I come across a weird problem. I have trigger for both Mouse over and Selected. On selected, the item should goLightBlue and Gray on mouse hover. But when user clicks an item, it gets selected. But still the color remains Gray. But when user leaves the mouse, it... Continue Reading →

AccentBrush for WPF Metro Theme

Mah Apps provide a very easy way to style any WPF applications with Metro theme. They provided 22 different accent colours and two themes dark and light. Just by merging the resources in App.Resources, your app will look pretty much like Metro app. Theme and accent brush can be dynamically switched by using following code.... Continue Reading →

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