Detect CapsLock Status in C#

All usual registration forms will contain a password edit and users has to be warned for the Caps Lock state. So it is pretty easy in C# to check this. The following line will do the magic.if (Console.CapsLock){    Console.WriteLine("CapsLock On!!!");}Happy C#.....

Touch gesture in WPF scroll viewer

WPF 4.0 comes up with attractive features. One of them is Multi touch. We can play with WPF scroll viewer using  finger. Setting the property PanningMode will do the magic.   <ScrollViewer PanningMode="Both"               HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"              VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"/> PanningMode can be either set directly on a ScrollViewer or used as an attached property. When a control contains a ScrollViewer in its ControlTemplate, use... Continue Reading →

Texture background in WPF

Seems my first blog is this. I am enjoying working with WPF. Whenever I am creating a simple or large scale application, I like to use texture backgrounds other than plane background. Becacuse it looks crispy and makes our application more beautiful. So I want to show you how to create a texture background in... Continue Reading →

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